the word mafia will be putting out a hit on the fringe this year

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Word Mafia last was seen throwing ten pounds of gummy worms all around at a Bukowski reading in South Philly on the Anniversary of Charles Bukowskis death. Since then one of us has started drinking and the other one has quit.

That's the kind of raw life-changing energy we produce when we put on a show.

Great crackling ropes of the stuff, which, when entwined with the airbourne multicolored sugarry treats.....well, you had to be there...ask someone who went...


the bartender wants us back, he was finding worms for months afterwards, had his best tuesday of recent memory, but there are issues with the venue and we need more space for the next thing we produce

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obviously the PHILLY WORD MAFIA needs a new signmaker. Join us in our fight for a
better public word environment.

We built awareness. Egggers cowered in the Juvenile Fiction section and sent his lackeys out to try and intimidate us, but we stayed strong.

Shoot us an email to stay in the loop and stay informed in our efforts to support good local writing. That's what we mostly do, sit and listen apprecatively in the audience, sometimes taking the stage. But every now and then forces dictate we take action and stage a spectacle. We will let you know what's on the radar, and thanks for your donations ans support in the cause of good words. We're going to keep the present MAFIA STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER and teach her the basics of night shots. And we will become tres' dageruese indeed once w master simple web dsign, until then, keep on writing, reading and loving, but keep it to yourself if you suck!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

who we are

We are wordsmiths from the olde country. Lurking in independent bookstores, going to events, waiting for the right moment to show our hand. We can write circles around you, but weren't born into money. Our uncles don't work at the New Yorker. We don't have trust funds. We are happy with that. Developing our fictive voices in small groups all over the city. Waiting for the signal to hijack another literary event gone bad.
We will give you enough rope to hang yourselves, but when you start twisting in the wind, and hear disco music blaring, we are the ones dancing merrily as you draw your last breath of revelance. We take shit over. Your event becomes another Philly Word Mafia Hoedown, jawn, mashup,wankathon,scrum or tea party .
We are no bullshit, just good words. We are your biggest fan if you can sling some prose and your worst enemy if you are a poseur, prep school nobody, or general wanker at large.
Coming soon to a literary function near you. Because words just want to have fun.